At iQuanti, we celebrate #WorldEnvironmentDay every day. It’s in the little ways we maintain clean spaces not only in and around our workplace but also where we live. It’s in our act of not littering on the roads and segregating dry and wet waste, recycling and composting and not giving in to the temptation of honking our rage on the roads. It’s sometimes about how we ensure where we were just a little while ago is left better than when we found it so the next person using that space is not inconvenienced.
On this World Environment Day, as we celebrate the UN theme for the day, “Only One Earth,” we bring snippets of how iQuantians do their bit to give back to nature not only so that we are nurtured as we grow but also so that we leave behind well-cared-after surroundings for generations that follow.

“I’ve been an avid environmentalist with a great love for nature and have been doing my part in caring for it. For instance, I haven’t burst crackers for over 15 years and don’t litter and have convinced many of my friends and family into joining me.
“During the lockdown, I grew my own garden, which was a long-awaited dream I realized, planting and propagating several trees, shrubs, and medicinal plants. I’ve even started a tradition of gifting plants to friends and family on special occasions.”
“June 5th being designated as World Environment Day is just a reminder about what our contributions to nature need to be. We need to celebrate it and contribute toward it every day. Let’s not forget that we are fully dependent on nature for water, air, and soil for growing plants that we consume. And humans are merely one of those in the ecosystem in which every species plays a crucial role in preserving its natural balance.
“Personally, I’m decreasing my dependence on plastic. At home, we clean our surroundings every week to ensure they are plastic-free and clean. We also carry reusable shopping bags to the grocery store instead of using the plastic ones from there. Even the cutlery we use at home has very little plastic in it; instead, we use paper bags, glass items, wooden crockery, etc. We also have a garden in which we’ve planted lots of plants and trees. Trees clean the air, give out more oxygen, and cool down the surroundings, indirectly lowering the energy consumption, reducing waste, and saving money.”

“I’ve been pretty active in events that undertake activities like garbage collection and cleaning. I also always carry a cloth bag when headed for shopping to avoid plastic carry bags given at the grocery and vegetable stores.”
“I love cycling to wherever I need to go to as it aligns with my minimalistic idea of living. It’s also my two cents’ contribution toward reducing carbon footprint and making the world a little better place. I also avoid buying what I don’t need and even avoid taking in my plate food I know I cannot consume. While I may not succeed always, I am always striving to materialize these thoughts.”

“I’ve been an avid environmentalist with a great love for nature and have been doing my part in caring for it. For instance, I haven’t burst crackers for over 15 years and don’t litter and have convinced many of my friends and family into joining me.
“During the lockdown, I grew my own garden, which was a long-awaited dream I realized, planting and propagating several trees, shrubs, and medicinal plants. I’ve even started a tradition of gifting plants to friends and family on special occasions.”

World Environment Day, established by the UN on June 05, 1972, is the result of the thoughts and concerns around human and environmental interactions, which happened at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The day is a global platform for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment against marine pollution, human overpopulation, global warming, sustainable consumption, and wildlife crime
The year the first World Environment Day was held
The first year since the event started getting hosted by various participant countries
The number of participating countries that celebrate around the world