Digital Marketing Insights from : Team iQuanti

Forbes: Is Enterprise SEO Success More About SEO or About the Enterprise?
What does it really take for enterprise organizations to turn their search channel into a lead-generating machine? Why do some enterprises succeed while others fail at executing their SEO programs, even with the right investments and the right people? What drives... read more
Business World: Why Instagram Stories Must be a Part of Your Marketing Strategy in 2020
As enterprise marketers plan for 2020, Instagram Stories absolutely need to be a part of their marketing and paid channel strategy, writes Aditya Saxena (VP APAC, iQuanti) in Business World’s ‘Everything Experiential”. Instagram stories have emerged as a compelling... read more
Financial Express: How Brands Can Boost ROI through CRO
Entrepreneurs can get more bang for their buck by investing in CRO, says iQuanti’s Aditya Saxena (Vice President, APAC) in the Financial Express. While the Indian digital advertising industry is rapidly growing, startups still struggle with hefty growth goals and with... read more