Digital Marketing Insights from : Team iQuanti

Business Insider: Performance Marketing – Where is it Headed?
The COVD-19 pandemic has impacted life and economies the world over. Brands and businesses are struggling to remain relevant and keep their customers’ trust in these times. Marketers are realizing more and more now that performance marketing is one of the most... read more
Banking on Digital Growth: Why You Need to Double Down on Content Now
iQuanti’s Google ninja, Michael Bertini, shares insights in the latest episode of popular podcast series, Banking on Digital Growth. In a lively and engaging conversation with James Robert Lay, Michael discusses content marketing strategies that banks and credit... read more
Financial Express: The Power of Precision Targeting for Start-ups and MSMEs
Precision targeting lets a company reach consumers at the very moment when they are most likely to be in need a product or service. “While precision targeting is valuable to many industries, it is especially useful for startups and young companies”, writes iQuanti’s... read more